Seeing Some New Signs Through A Port Truck Driver’s Window on the World

photo 1 To assist in one aspect of the growing campaign by Port Drivers in Los Angeles to demand fairness and organize, Big Bowl of Ideas put together a quick series of colorful campaign items for use on a large scale, in the field and digitally at once, with about 9 days lead time.

Borrowing directly from a reality of images Port Drivers see everyday in their work — road and highway signs — we used that motif to amplify the campaign’s message about wage theft by employers and the increasing amount of community support for the workers (examples below).  For example “Caution Wage Theft Zone” capturing the current state of affairs alongside being able to see an aspirational “Fair Pay Just Ahead” sign.
POR - Signage Designs Full Set v3The art was then created for multiple applications, as we initially envisioned with the campaign – large-scale outdoor installation, field material and digital shares, all working in concert. A true digital-to-field-and-back experience. Community leaders and clergy walked a “Road to the Land of Justice” in a park across the street from the Port of Los Angeles followed by a press conference.
It was a change of pace and tone for this ongoing effort. And now, the mix of them gives the campaign some message flexibility based on the rigors and state of the campaign itself. They will now be used as an ongoing set of elements for use by the campaign as the intensity escalates — particularly when there is interest in drawing in an expansion of support from the casual observer.
We’re glad to have worked with the campaign and its team of communicators to pull this off in order to give this important struggle and the sign metaphor a jolt of pop freshness. Find out more about the state of the campaign here. 
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Body of Work